Possibilities appear.
Get inspired by our short articles!
The working from home series
Has working from home proved challenging at times over the past few weeks? Pick up our tips & tricks and make the most of your days in the home office. Don’t miss them and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn too!
Do you have questions about how your business can overcome remote challenges? Get in touch with us!

Rest and Recovery
Working from Home series - Day 5
The week is behind us and it's time to switch off! Reward yourself this weekend with well-deserved relaxation and enjoy a bit of inspiration around the theme of relaxation! How do you switch off daily after a day of (home) work? Do you sometimes have trouble with this? Discover how you can do it differently!

Working from Home series - Day 4
Happy Friday! While the sun is keeping us company, we are still keeping our distance from each other as much as possible. Today the word together is the focus, because both privately and professionally, solid interaction is also possible at a distance. Read a piece today around the theme of working together! Inspired? TEMMUT is ready.

Goal Setting
Working from Home series - Day 3
Goal setting is something everyone can do. But how do you set goals that really add something and take your planning to the next level? Read our tips & tricks part 3 for more inspiration on how to create and achieve goals! Wondering what TEMMUT can do for you or your company? Drive your change and find out!

Routine en Structure
Working from Home series - Day 2
A stable rhythm propels our productivity both at home and in the office. Within our tips & tricks series, we talk about routine and structure on day two. How do you tame your work week? And could your company, team or perhaps even yourself use some guidance on this? Contact us for the possibilities.

Workplace Enablement
Working from Home series - Day 1
Day one of our daily Working from Home series of tips & tricks is all about your workspace. How do you set up your home office to function optimally? And how does the employer help with this? Share it with us on our social media!